Tuesday, October 16, 2007

my dull & boring life

To view my fake biodata, please visit: http://evonne-lau.blogspot.com/

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written for the purpose of practice and module requirement. lol. just tot i did put it on to share cos I think it is quite funnie to say urself until so nice and wonderful when I am not!!!

But after this episode on resume writing and biodata drafting, I realise that no employer will want to hire me. I've got no relevant experience, I have no interest relevant to the job, and no special skills that they may require..............................

all I have is a piece of shitty degree that is worthless even if i want to do lab research and no lab tech not included. :)

sad to say... my life is like that..

today i overheard someone saying that she join chemistry cos of her passion for it. but that was in freshmen year. after that passion wears off but you are stuck in it.. so sad for her.. I mean i am still very interested in chemistry. but in this society passion means nth if you dun have the grades and degrees to back up your passion.. the reality of this world is harsh and cold.. but I guess it is the way of life and I have to live with it..

i think i need to start thinking about my future.. when it is so bleak and uncertain..

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